Suit for breach of contract alaska

Anchorage, Alaska personal injury car wreck lawyer represented the Plaintiffs who sued the Defendant on an auto negligence theory claiming to have suffered more than $75,000 in damages and/or injuries.

Alaska Auto Negligence Law Overview:

"1. Comparative Fault:

Modified Comparative Fault: Alaska follows a modified comparative fault system. This means that even if you. More. $1 (03-14-2023 - AK)

John Madsen, et al. v. Russell Lee Jacoby, et al.

Anchorage, Alaska civil litigation lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendants on beach of contract theories claiming $1.4 million in damages.

This case was filed in the Superior Court for the SOA - Third Judicial Dist, 3AN-21-04564-CI and was removed to federal courts by the Defendants.

"A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to fulfill their obligat. More. $0 (07-26-2023 - AK)

Brittany Blake, D.C., et al. v. NCMIC Insurance Company

Anchorage, Alaska insurance Law lawyer represented Plaintiffs who sued Defendant on a bad faith breach contract theory.

Plaintiffs are seven women who formerly were patients of Dr. Myron Schweigert, a chiropractor practicing at Chugach Chiropractic Clinic, LLC (the “Clinic”) in Eagle River, Alaska.[5]On December 31, 2015, Plaintiffs filed suit against Dr Schweigert and the Clinic in A. More. $0 (05-26-2023 - AK)

Robert Bynum v. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company

Anchorage, Alaska insurance law lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a bad faith breach of insurance contract theory claiming damages in excess of $75,000 as a direct result of the failure of the Defendant to pay Plaintiff’s claim.

This case was filed in the Third Judicial District Superior Court, 3AN-20-04775 CI, and was removed to federal court by the Defendant.

Sonemany Choummittaphanh v. Allstate Motor Club, Inc., et al.

Fairbanks, Alaska insurance law lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a bad faith breach of insurance contract theory claiming damages in excess of $100,000 as a direct result of the failure of the Defendant to pay Plaintiff’s claim.

This case was filed in the State of Alaska, 4FA-22-01023 CI and was removed to federal court by the Defendants.

$1 (11-04-2022 - AK)

Cynthia J. Notti v. David G. Hoffman

Anchorage, Alaska family law lawyers represented the parties in a property dispute arising out of their divorce.

A divorcing couple settled their property dispute by executing a settlement agreement that included a litigation waiver. The superior court accepted the settlement five months later. The woman subsequently sued her former husband, alleging tort claims based upon actions ta. More. $0 (07-15-2022 - AK)

William Curtis M.D. and Pedro Valdes M.D. v. Providence Health & Services - Washington, et al.

Anchorage, AK: Civil litigation business law lawyer represented Plaintiffs who sued Defendant on breach of contract theory claiming damages in excess of $75,000 as a result of the breach. More. $1 (06-01-2021 - AK)

Sarah Klebs v. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company

Anchorage, Alaska insurance law lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a breach of contract theory claiming to have suffered more than $75,000 in damages as a direct result. More. $0 (05-18-2021 - AK)

Keith Wheeler v. Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company, a subsidiary of USAA Insurance Company

Fairbanks, Alaska insurance law lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant on a breach of contract theory. More. $0 (05-17-2021 - AK)

United States of America v. Forrest Wright

Anchorage, AK - Criminal Law, Wire Fraud, Conspiracy, Money Laundering

The United States of America charged Forrest Wright, age 40, with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering.

From January 2012 to December 2019, Wright w. More. $0 (09-20-2020 - AK)

Samuel W. Oetinger v. USAA General Indemnity Company

Anchorage, AK - Samuel W. Oetinger sued USAA General Indemnity Company on a personal injury auto negligence breach of insurance contract theory.

The demand was for $450,000.00. More. $1 (07-06-2018 - AK)

Spokane, WA - Spokane Doctor Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Following a Jury Verdict for 12 Counts of Aggravated Sexual Abuse of Children

Craig A. Morgenstern, age 47, of Nine Mile Falls, Washington was sentenced to 12 life terms in federal prison after a jury found him guilty of 12 counts of Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child. Senior United States District Judge W. Fremming Nielsen also . More. $0 (08-08-2016 - AK)

Anchorage, AK - Former Anchorage Prosecutor Sentenced to Over 13 Years in Prison for Massive Wire Fraud and Money Laundering Scheme

Largest Money Laundering Scheme in Alaska History

A former Anchorage resident and former municipal prosecutor was sentenced to 160 months in prison for perpetrating a massive wire fraud and money laundering scheme encompassing $52 million. This is t. More. $45925737 (05-23-2016 - AK)

Bethel, AK - Angelina Trailov and Mary Kenick sued Allstate Insurance Company and Kathy Berry on bad faith breach of contract theories claiming that the defendants improperly handled Plaintiffs' claims.

Trailov was 15-years-old at the time of the accident. She suffered a skull fracture, a punctured lung and other permanent injuries.

Court Docket Entries:

12/13/2004 08. More. $17000000 (09-23-2015 - AK)

On March 5, 2009, Sabil Mumin Mujahid was arrested in Anchorage, Alaska after officers found a firearm in the trunk of a car he had driven to the Nesbett Courthouse for a bail hearing on a pending state drug charge. Mujahid was taken to the Anchorage Correctional Complex, which provides
UNITED STATES V. MUJAHID4 housing for state prisoners as well as federal prisoners pursuant to a contract w. More. $0 (08-30-2015 - AK)

Challenged in this case are land and water use permits allowing intensive
mineral exploration on State land. The main question we address is whether the
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) had to give public notice before issuing the
permits. Because the Alaska Constitution requires public notice when interests in land
are transferred, the answer to this question depends on wheth. More. $0 (05-29-2015 - AK)

The primary issue in this consolidated appeal is the validity and interpretation of a roadway easement granted to meet a borough's subdivision plat-waiver requirements. The borough later approved a nearby subdivision project contingent on upgrading the easement roadway. The owners of the servient estate first insisted that the developer maintain his roadway upgrade within the original 50-foot eas. More. $0 (11-30--0001 - AK)

Several state law questions arise in this appeal, and three federal law questions, whether expert testimony should have been excluded under Daubert1, whether disallowance of a


2 Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986).

3 Alaska Civil Procedure Rule 82.

4 “We recount the relevant facts in the manner most favorable to the . More. $0 (06-21-2013 - AK)

This case involves a dispute over the disposition of a deceased Alaska
attorney’s interest in attorney’s fees from his participation, through a joint venture, in the
Exxon Valdez oil spill litigation. The attorney’s sister, individually and on behalf of their mother’s trust, asserted claims to the attorney’s fees, and the attorney’s estate opposed those claims. The parties sett. More. $0 (05-03-2013 - AK)

A woman purchased a home and fell behind on her mortgage payments.
Despite the bank having agreed to postpone a foreclosure sale, the bank proceeded with
the sale. After the woman threatened suit, the bank re-purchased the home and entered
into settlement negotiations with the woman; the bank promised to re-convey the property to the woman so that she could proceed with a sale to a thi. More. $0 (05-17-2013 - AK)

A motorcyclist was involved in a single-vehicle accident resulting in a cut
on his head and minor damage to his motorcycle. The accident involved no other
drivers, vehicles, or property. Because the motorcycle was not insured at the time of the accident, the State of Alaska, Department of Administration, Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) suspended the driver’s license. The motorcyclist ap. More. $0 (04-12-2013 - AK)

This appeal arises from a declaratory action filed by an insurer to clarify the terms of its duties under a policy. The underlying tort action resulted from a car accident in which the insured, while driving a rental truck, hit a person who was lying in the middle of the road. Both the driver and the person struck were intoxicated, as was a passenger in the truck. The person who was struck died fr. More. $0 (01-25-2013 - AK)

A tenant fell on the outside stairs of her rented apartment and sustained a serious back injury. When she fell, one of the wooden stairs broke. She sued her landlord, from whom she subleased the apartment, alleging that her fall was caused by the landlord’s negligent failure to inspect and maintain the staircase.

Before trial, the tenant filed a series of motions in limine, including one . More. $0 (02-01-2013 - AK)

Fredrick Williams appeals the superior court’s decision affirming the Ketchikan Gateway Borough’s ruling that the house at 511 Stedman Street is not exempt from Ketchikan Gateway Borough taxation. In March 2002 Williams received a grant to rebuild his house from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Program. Under the grant, Williams would have been required to repay the full amount. More. $0 (02-15-2013 - AK)

Simone Greenway sued Larry Heathcott alleging, among other things, identity theft and breach of domestic partnership and fiduciary duties. After a long, one-day bench trial at which both parties were pro se, the superior court denied Greenway’s claims. She argues here that it was error not to continue the trial so a particular lawyer could represent her when he became available, so she could com. More. $0 (02-15-2013 - AK)

When Chad and Jessica Lewis divorced, they participated in a settlement conference to divide their property. Following the settlement conference, the superior court recited a proposed settlement agreement on the record, and both parties agreed to it. Jessica then filed proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law incorporating terms which differed from the agreement as recited by the court. Th. More. $0 (10-22-2012 - AK)

Two nieces, acting as co-guardians for their elderly uncle, sued their uncle’s
former caregiver for misuse and misappropriation of his assets; the caregiver
counterclaimed for compensation for services rendered. After a bench trial, the superior
court: (1) determined the caregiver had committed fraud and breached fiduciary duties;
(2) awarded damages against the caregiver for her. More. $0 (07-20-2012 - AK)

Sea Hawk Seafoods, Inc. sued the City of Valdez for damages after Valdez applied for a grant from the State of Alaska for funding to convert Sea Hawk’s seafood processing facility into a fish meal plant but then declined to accept the $600,000 grant that the State conditionally awarded to Valdez. On pre-trial motions, the superior court dismissed Sea Hawk’s claims for breach of contract, breac. More. $0 (07-27-2012 - AK)

1. Alaska’s probate nonclaim statute, AS 13.16.460, provides that claims against an estate arising before the decedent’s death are barred unless presented: (1) within four months of the first publication of notice to creditors; (2) within three years of death if no notice to creditors is published; or (3) within limits specified by other applicable statutes of limitations.1 The statute also ba. More. $0 (05-25-2012 - AK)

In 2002 Kevin O’Connell was awarded damages against Anthony and Paulette Will for the Wills’ failure to pay a promissory note. Under the attorney’s fee provision in the note, O’Connell was also awarded full attorney’s fees and costs. After O’Connell’s attorney engaged in post-judgment collection efforts, Anthony Will paid the judgment. In 2009 Anthony Will filed a request for an orde. More. $0 (10-28-2011 - AK)

The driver of a pickup truck collided with a bicyclist, seriously injuring the bicyclist. The bicyclist sought a settlement agreement in excess of the maximum coverage of the driver’s insurance policy. The insurance company responded with an offer to tender policy limits, which the bicyclist refused. After a series of court proceedings in both state and federal court, the driver sued his insuran. More. $0 (08-19-2011 - AK)

At issue in this case are the coverage limits associated with underinsured motorist (UIM) insurance and whether coverage provided under disputed insurance policies complies with the requirements of Alaska insurance statutes. The respondent families hold UIM policies. They allege that they have suffered emotional distress and loss of consortium as a result of a collision that killed one family’s . More. $0 (08-26-2011 - AK)

Two men bought an island. After a dispute, they agreed that one would keep the island, while the other would receive a one-time payment and an option to buy the island at a fixed price, adjusted for inflation, if the owner ever chose to sell it. Years passed. The value of the island rose, far outpacing inflation. But the owner never elected to sell. Instead, he eventually conveyed the island to hi. More. $0 (09-23-2011 - AK)

The driver of a pickup truck collided with a bicyclist, seriously injuring the bicyclist. The bicyclist sought a settlement agreement in excess of the maximum coverage of the driver’s insurance policy. The insurance company responded with an offer to tender policy limits, which the bicyclist refused. After a series of court proceedings in both state and federal court, the driver sued his insuran. More. $0 (08-24-2011 - AK)

In 2002, the superior court appointed a professional conservator for a mother suffering from dementia. Her daughter, who also served as special advocate, resisted the appointment. From 2002 onward, the daughter engaged in wide-ranging legal challenges to the conservator’s handling of her mother’s conservatorship. In response, the conservator incurred large legal fees, paid by the estate, in de. More. $0 (08-19-2011 - AK)

In 1971, William Carlo Jachetta applied for a 160-acre Native allotment comprised of two parcels (Parcel A and Parcel B) but, because of an error of the United States government, his application was initially processed only as a request for Parcel A, which the Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) issued to Jachetta in 1986. In 2004, after long and complicated administrative proceedings, the BLM f. More. $0 (08-01-2011 - AK)

Plaintiffs Dyer L. Vandevere, John McCombs, Gary Hollier, and John Jent fish commercially for salmon in the waters of Alaska’s Upper Cook Inlet. State-issued entry permits and shore fishery leases allow them to fish there. After Alaska promulgated regulations that shorten the fishing year and limit the number of salmon that commercial fishers may harvest, Plaintiffs brought this action against D. More. $0 (07-11-2011 - AK)

An employee filed suit against her employer for wrongful termination after her union refused to take her grievance to arbitration under the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Relevant federal law required the employee to prove as part of her wrongful termination claim that her union had breached its duty of fair representation when handling her grievance.1 During trial the employer twice . More. $0 (04-15-2011 - AK)

A former director, accused of misconduct while serving as chair of a corporate board, appeals a jury verdict finding him liable for breach of fiduciary duty.

He also appeals a superior court order banning him from serving on the corporation’s board of directors for five years. The director argues the superior court erred by:

(1) refusing to instruct the jury on what he refers to as. More. $0 (04-22-2011 - AK)

Advanced Physical Therapy (APT) terminated the employment of Patricia Hoendermis (“Patti”), the clinic’s practice administrator, for an inability to communicate with her co-workers and supervisor. Hoendermis sued APT for wrongful termination and failure to provide overtime compensation. The superior court granted APT summary judgment on both claims. Hoendermis appeals. We reverse the grants . More. $0 (04-29-2011 - AK)