Note: Make sure the oven is turned off before unplugging.
• T o pr o te ct a ga in st r is k o f el ec tr ic al s ho ck , d o no t i mm er se t he a pp li a nc e in wa te r or a ny o t he r li q ui ds .
• Close supervision is always necessary when this or any appliance is used near children. This
appliance is not for use by children.
• Do not operate this or any appliance with a frayed or damaged cord or plug or after the appliance
malfunctions or is dropped or has been damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest
authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.
• Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer; they may cause fire,
electric shock or personal injury.
• Do not use outdoors or for commercial purposes.
• Do not use this appliance for other than its intended use.
• Do not let the cord dangle over the edge of a tabletop or countertop or touch hot surfaces.
• Do not place the appliance near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
• E xt re me ca ut io n s ho u l d be u se d wh e n us in g co nt a in er s c o ns tr u c te d o f m at e r ia l o t he r t h an m et a l or g la ss .
• A fire may occur if the toaster oven is covered or touching flammable materials, including cur-
ains, draperies, walls, etc., when in operation. Do not store any items on top of the appliance
when in operation.
• When using toaster oven, pull the unit out a minimum of 6 inches away from walls on all sides.
Remove cords from other products from behind toaster oven.
• Do not store any materials, other than manufacturer’s recommended accessories, in this unit when
not in use.
• Do not place any flammable materials in oven, such as paper, cardboard, plastic or any materials
that may catch fire or melt.
• Do not cover the crumb tray or any part of the oven with metal foil. This will cause overheating
f the appliance.
• Oversized foods or metal utensils must not be inserted in the appliance as they may create a fire
or risk of electrical shock.
• Do not clean with metal scouring pads. Pieces can break off the pad and touch electrical parts
involving a risk of electrical shock.
• Use extreme caution when removing tray or disposing of hot grease.
• To turn this appliance off, press Stop/Cancel button twice.
• To disconnect, press Stop/Cancel button twice to turn unit off, then remove plug from wall outlet.
• Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or other hot liquid.
A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled
in or tripping over a longer cord. An extension cord may be used if care is exercised in its use.
If an extension cord is used, the electrical rating of the cord must be at least as great as the
electrical rating of the appliance. The extension cord should be arranged so that it will not
rape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over
English-1 English-2
F igu re 2
Push Timer arrows to select the desired time.
Push the Start button.
N O T E – Th e top heat ing elem ent will cyc le O N an d OF F to mai ntai n de sire d te mper atur e, a nd
may not glow.
When broiling is completed, open door fully and remove food carefully.
o Use the Toast Function
lace oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Sec-
N O T E – Di ffe ren t t ype s o f b rea d r equ ire di ffe ren t s ett ing s. Lig ht er bre ads an d w aff les
require a lighter setting. Darker breads, muffins, and English muffins require a darker setting.
Arrange food on the wire rack.
Push the Toast button. Use arrows to select Toast Shade.
Press the Start button.
When toasting is completed, open door fully and remove food carefully. To Use the Pizza Function
Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Sec-
Arrange pizza on the wire rack.
ush the Pizza button and 20:00 default time will appear. Use arrow keys to adjust
the time as desired. Push the Start button.
N O T E – The Pizza function temperat ure is set at 400°F and cannot be adjusted .
If different temperature is desired, cancel Pizza function and use Bake function.
efrosting Function
When defrosting do not preheat oven. Temperature Control is already set to 150°F.
Push the defrost button. Use arrow keys to adjust time. Allow 15 to 20 minutes per
side for meats or fish to defrost. Always cook food promptly after thawing.
Push the Start button. Positioning Rack
To accommodate a wide variety of foods, the
oven has 2 racks and two (2) rack positions.
(See Figure 3)
Positioning of the rack will depend on the size
of the food and desired browning.
Before removing the rack, allow the unit to cool.
PLEASE NOTE – For best toast and pizza results,
position the rack in the up position on
the top rack position. Positioning Pan
• To accommodate a wide variety of foods the oven has two pan positions. The pan can be
laced on top of the rack or inserted into the guide rails below the rack. (See Figure Below)
• Before removing the pan allow the unit to cool.
• Positioning of the oven pan will depend on the desired cooking method. For baking, place
the pan on top of one of the racks. For grilling or broiling, insert the pan into the guide rails
below the rack and place the food on top of the rack. Preparing To Use Your Toaster Oven for the First Time
f you are using your toaster oven for the first time, please be sure to:
Remove any stickers from the surface of the oven.
Open oven door and remove all printed documents and paper from inside the toaster oven.
Clean the rack, tray, and pan with hot water, a small amount of dishwashing liquid and a non-abra-
sive sponge or cleaning pad.
Dry the unit thoroughly before using.
Select a location for the toaster oven. The location should be in an open area on a flat
counter where the plug will reach an outlet.
lug the toaster oven into a 120 Volt AC electrical outlet.
sing Your Toaster Oven
etting the Clock
Push the Clock button. The clock will flash.
Use the arrow keys to set the hour. Push the Clock button again.
Use the arrow keys to set the minutes.
Push the Clock button once more or the start button and the time will be set.
reheating the Oven
Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Section)
Push the Bake button.
se arrows to set desired temperature.
Push Timer down button until seven (7) minutes is displayed.
Push the Start button. To Use the Bake Function
Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Section)
rrange food on the wire rack or in the baking pan.
Push the Bake button. Use the Temperature arrow keys to select desired temperature.
Use the Time arrow keys to select desired time.
Push the Start button.
NO TE – Up pe r an d lo w er h ea ti ng e le me nt s wi ll cy cl e ON a nd OF F to ma in ta in t he de si re d
temperature, and may not glow.
hen baking is completed, open door fully and remove food carefully. To Use the Convection Fan Bake Function
When you select the Convection Bake the convection fan will turn on and circulate air
allowing the food to cook evenly and faster.
Place oven rack into the desired position before heating the oven. (See “Positioning Rack” Section)
Arrange food on the wire rack or in the baking pan.
Push the Convection Bake button until “Convection Bake” lights up on display. Use the Temp
arrow keys to select desired temperature.
Push Timer arrow keys to select desired time.
Push the Start button.
NO TE – Bo th h e at in g el em en ts w il l c yc le O N an d O FF t o m ai nt ai n th e d es ir ed t em pe ra tu re , an d ma y
not glow.
When baking is completed, open door fully and remove food carefully. To Use the Broil Function
Select desired oven rack position. (See “Positioning Rack” Section)
Place pan into the guide rails below the rack and place the food on top of the rack.
Push Broil button until the word “Broil” lights up on display.
F igu re 3
English-3 English-4
Cleaning Your Toaster Oven
Before cleaning your OSTER
Toaster Oven, press Stop/Cancel button twice, unplug it and
allow it to cool. To clean, wipe with damp cloth.
sure to use only mild, soapy water. Abrasive cleaners, scrubbing brushes and chemical cleaners
will damage the
coating on this unit. Empty crumb tray frequently to avoid accumulation
of crumbs.
Toaster oven racks are dishwasher safe (top of dishwasher only) .
Storing Your Toaster Oven
Allow the appliance to cool completely before storing. If storing the toaster oven for long periods
of time make certain that the toaster oven is clean and free of food particles. Store the toaster oven
in a dry location such as on a table or countertop or cupboard shelf. Other than the recommended
cleaning, no further user maintenance should be necessary.
• Overcooked / Un-
dercooked Foods
• Burnt Smell
• Oven does not
turn ON
• Only one heating
element is heating
• Heating elements
do not stay ON
• Cannot change
function button
• You may have to adjust the time and tem-
perature to desired taste.
• Because your toaster oven is smaller than
your regular oven, it will heat up faster and
generally cook in shorter periods of time.
• Refer to “Positioning Rack” Section,
Page English-4. Rack may need to be ad-
justed to accommodate food type.
• Refer to “Cleaning Your Toaster Oven”
Section, Page English-5.
• Plug the toaster oven into a 120-volt AC
electrical outlet.
• Set timer knob and temperature knob to
desired setting. Both must be turned on
to operate the toaster oven.
• Press Start.
• When toasting, make sure the oven is
set to broil setting.
• Be certain that function is as desired.
• Heating elements may not glow.
• Press cancel.
• Incorrect temperature or
time setting
• Rack placement
• Food build-up inside
oven, on heating elements
or in crumb tray.
• Unit is unplugged
• Did not press Start.
• Function setting selec-
tion determines which
heating element will op-
• Heating elements will
cycle ON and OFF to
maintain proper heat.
• Need to cancel function.
English-5 English-6
It’s what we’re made of. For over 100 years, the Oster
brand has been defining innovation, power and durability. Some say our line of uniquely designed and built appliances last forever. The Oster
Designed for Life
Series is the next generation of innovative products that are professionally designed, timelessly styled and backed by legendary performance.
For Baking
For Grilling
or Broiling
1 Year Limited Warranty
Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions or if in Canada, Sunbeam Corporation (Canada)
Limited doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions (collectively “JCS”) warrants that for a period of one year from
t he d at e of p u rc ha se , th is p ro du c t w il l be f r e e fr o m d ef e c ts i n ma te ri a l a nd w or km a n sh ip . JC S, a t it s op ti o n , wi l l r ep a i r or
replace this product or any component of the product found to be defective during the warranty period. Replacement
will be made with a new or remanufactured product or component. If the product is no longer available, replacement
may be made with a similar product of equal or greater value. This is your exclusive warranty. Do NOT attempt to re-
pair or adjust any electrical or mechanical functions on this product. Doing so will void this warranty.
T hi s wa r ra nt y i s va li d f or t h e or ig i na l re t ai l p u rc ha se r fr om t he d a t e of i ni ti a l r et a i l pu r c ha se a n d is n ot t ra n sf er ab l e . Ke e p
t he o ri gi na l s a le s r e ce ip t . P ro o f o f p u rc ha se is r eq u ir ed t o ob t a in w ar r an ty p e rf or ma n c e. J C S d ea l e rs , se r v ic e c e nt er s, o r
r et ai l s to re s s e ll in g JC S p r od uc t s d o n o t ha v e t he r ig ht t o a lt er , m od i f y or a n y wa y c ha ng e t he t er m s a nd c on di t i on s o f t hi s
This warranty does not cover normal wear of parts or damage resulting from any of the following: negligent use or mis-
u se o f th e pr o du ct , us e on im pr op er v ol t a ge o r cu rr e n t, u s e c on tr a ry t o t he o p e ra ti ng in st ru c ti on s, di sa ss e mb ly , r ep ai r or
a lt er at i on b y a ny on e o th er t ha n JC S or a n au th o r iz ed J CS s er v ic e ce n t er . F u rt he r , th e w a rr an t y d oe s n ot c o v er : Ac t s of
God, such as fire, flood, hurricanes and tornadoes.
What are the limits on JCS’s Liability?
JCS shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the breach of any express, im-
plied or statutory warranty or condition.
Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty or condition of merchantability or fit-
ness for a particular purpose is limited in duration to the duration of the above warranty.
JCS disclaims all other warranties, conditions or representations, express, implied, statutory or otherwise.
JCS shall not be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the purchase, use or misuse of, or inability
to use the product including incidental, special, consequential or similar damages or loss of profits, or for any
breach of contract, fundamental or otherwise, or for any claim brought against purchaser by any other party.
Some provinces, states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusion may not
apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from province to
province, state to state or jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
How To Obtain Warranty Service
In the U.S.A.
If you have any question regarding this warranty or would like to obtain warranty service, please call
1.800.334.0759 and a convenient service center address will be provided to you.
In Canada
If you have any question regarding this warranty or would like to obtain warranty service, please call
1.800.667.8623 and a convenient service center address will be provided to you.
In the U.S.A., this warranty is offered by Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions
located in Boca Raton, Florida 33431. In Canada, this warranty is offered by Sunbeam Corporation (Canada)
Limited doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions, located at 20 B Hereford Street, Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 0M1. If you have any other problem or claim in connection with this product, please write our Consumer
Service Department.
For product questions contact:
Sunbeam Consumer Service
USA : 1.800.334.0759
Canada : 1.800.667.8623
© 2014 Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions.
All rights reserved. Distributed by Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as
Jarden Consumer Solutions, Boca Raton, Florida 33431.
Para preguntas sobre los productos, llamar a:
Sunbeam Consumer Service
EE.UU.: 1.800.334.0759
Canadá: 1.800.667.8623
© 2014 Sunbeam Products, Inc. operando bajo el nombre de Jarden Consume
Solutions. Todos los derechos reservados. Distribuido por Sunbeam Products, Inc.
operando bajo el nombre de Jarden Consumer Solutions, Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Printed in China Impreso en China
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george pageMay 13, 2024
how to shut-off automatic timer this timer keeps shutting off the oven in a very short time
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Oster TSSTTVDGXL specifications
Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Oster TSSTTVDGXL.
The Oster TSSTTVDGXL is a countertop convection oven that offers a spacious interior for cooking various foods. It features digital controls for easy operation and a large viewing window to monitor the cooking process. With its convection technology, this oven provides even heat distribution for consistent results. The TSSTTVDGXL also includes a timer with automatic shut-off for added convenience. Additionally, it comes with multiple cooking functions such as bake, broil, toast, and defrost. The interior of the oven is non-stick for easy cleaning and maintenance. The exterior is constructed with stainless steel for durability and a sleek appearance. The Oster TSSTTVDGXL is a versatile appliance suitable for everyday cooking needs.
Brand | Oster |
Product | oven |
EAN | 0034264471023, 0192427762545 |
Language | English |
Filetype | User manual (PDF) |
Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Oster TSSTTVDGXL below.
Is it correct that the fan stays on when the oven is switched off?
That's correct. The fan of the cooling system keeps running until the temperature of the oven has dropped sufficiently.
What's the grill setting on my oven?
When the grill position of the oven is used, the top element of the oven will heat up. The grill mode is used for grilling and to give dishes a nice dark crust.