How to Request IRS Forms by Mail

How to Request IRS Forms by Mail

In most cases, individual taxpayers and businesses use several different forms to complete their tax returns. If you don't have the required forms on hand, or you made a mistake on a form and you'd like a new form to replace the old one, you can contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and have the forms mailed directly to you. There are a few ways to get the IRS tax forms by mail, including ordering them online or over the phone.

Prepare for the Order

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Before you can order the tax forms, you'll need to make a list of the exact forms you require. The IRS will need to know the tax year, product name and title of each form. For example, you may require a ​2021​ (year) Form W-2 (product name) Wages and Tax Statement (title). Once you have the list, make a note as to the number of copies you need of each form (not the number of pages).

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There is a limit on the number of copies you can request for delivery by mail. The IRS puts a ​1,000 copy cap​ on forms and supplies for information returns and employer returns with just one set of instructions to go with those copies. When it comes to instructions and publications, you can order up to ​25 of each​. For forms and publications for your actual tax return, there's a ​100 copy cap​ on forms with just one set of instructions and a ​five copy limit​ on instructions and publications.